Tuesday, July 28, 2009



Sorry I don't post on this blog as much as you or even myself would like. Granted, this is the blog watched by more people. But I am enjoying the blog Bryson and myself are working on, and writing for that is taking up what little time work and sleep are leaving me. But like I said, I enjoy it. You should support it. We put a lot of effort, heart and soul into it. We want it to be alive. Support it, please. Read our stuff and leave comments.

The Collateral Otaku

Anyway, work is going pretty well. Tiring, but well. We just entered into our second week of training. The material isn't hard to understand; the difficult part is remembering it all, and especially remembering it when we are on the phones with customers and have to remember where to find the information they are asking about.

I suppose I should explain who I work for and what I will be doing. I work for a company called ACS (Affiliated Computer Services), and the branch of the worldwide company that I am in is one of many that handles the customer service calls for Verizon Wireless. And in four to six weeks, I will be one of those Customer Service representatives. This should be entertaining, at least.

I will try to keep this updated at LEAST once a week, but I make no promises. The Collateral Otaku, on the other hand, is updated several times a week, and should be checked out. And commented on.




  1. Ah, so you work in a call center then, basically? I know I already bugged Bryson about this (and was wrong, apparently ^_^' ) but my best friend did as well once, and he doens't have very good things to say about the experience...... Who knows though, you'll probably like it a lot more than he did.

    And I would have to agree about The Collateral Otaku, that really is a very well done blog you guys have going there. I would second that motion suggesting people went and checked it out.

  2. I will third the motion for people to check out TCO. It's such a great blog!

    And call centers can be a nice place to work. I think it depends on what call center you're working for. Some call centers don't pay very well and don't offer benefits. If you can find one like the one Jason is working at, which pays quite well and does offer benefits, it's not so bad to work at.

    I answer phone calls at my job, but I don't work in a call center. Phone calls are only a small part of what I do for a living. Mostly I do paperwork, which tends to get really tedious.
