Friday, August 7, 2009

End of week three

One more week of classroom-only training, then it is transitioning into taking actual calls and learning from mistakes before we do it full time. I am exhausted.

Seriously. But it has been quite fun. I had some issues with some of my fellow employee-classmates, but those have been resolved and now, for an honestly inexplicable reason, I seem to get along with all of them just fine.

And this blog continues to not get much attention due to most of it being focused on the other blog. What Bryson and I are writing there is good stuff.

Well, I will now rest from crazy work.



  1. I'm glad your work is going well and you get along with your coworkers. I do check out your other blog, but I am not into anime and manga as much as the rest of the family... but you do a good job with the blog!

  2. Love the picture for this post. I even remember what it's from! And that's really a good thing that you've gotten things worked out with your coworkers. It sucks when you're at a job and you have issues with the people you work with. I know exactly how that is.
