Monday, September 14, 2009

First day of "real" work

Today was the first day of my actual, realistic, "socially accepting" day of work. I changed from Sunday through Thursday (3:30 pm to midnight) to Monday through Wednesday and Friday and Saturday (10:30 AM to 7:30 PM). I am glad I was moved off of typical customer service calls and onto AoL (Assumption of Liability) calls. Basically, I move wireless phone lines from one account to another. I handle those almost all the time. Out of my team, I am the only one who does them. I listen to all the bad calls that happens, and I feel sorry for them. I rarely have to deal with it anymore. Yay!

I have been watching pretty heavily the anime known as Darker Than Black. I am only four episodes away from finishing the series, and if it finishes along the same lines as how it has been progressing, it may very well become my second favorite anime. The series reminds me of Heroes, in a way. A very dark, evil form of Heroes. More evil than Heroes can become. And better written.

Gwah! Nothing more to say! Oh noes!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

As we draw this meeting to a close...

One week left in training, then what is left of my training class at ACS goes to the status of 'regular employee.' It is about freaking time! Eight weeks of training is long!!!

It has been interesting, though. After two days taking customer care calls, our class was trained to do 'assumption of liability (AOL)' calls, which is basically where we move phone numbers from one account to another, and create accounts if necessary. Although all of us were trained to do it, only six of us (out of 30) ended up staying with that type of call, myself included. I like them, they are easier (due to constant repetition) and the customers are generally happier when calling in to complete them.

I also completed, after some great, great length of time, the third and final part of my Clannad posts on The Collateral Otaku, titled "~After Story~." It took me a long time for a few reasons. Clannad has a particularly close position to my heart; I wasn't sure if I wanted to give all the main details (you will see what I mean if you have read the first two posts in the series and then read this one); and Batman: Arkham Asylum was released, which took up a lot (no exaggeration) of my free time, if not all of it. I plan to do a review article on Batman, by the way. That shouldn't take nearly as long to post something about.

Oh well. I am now watching an interesting anime called "Darker Than Black." I have only seen a couple of episodes, but it has caught my attention. Until next time, I am off.
